Timothy M. Kelly, DMD, PA

Common Causes of Damaged Dental Crowns

May 9, 2015 @ 10:00 AM — by Tim Kelly, DMD, PA
Tagged with: Dental Crowns Cosmetic Dentistry

A dental crown is one of the most frequently used dental restorations. Dental crowns can restore a damaged tooth, improve the appearance of a tooth with severe cosmetic flaws, and protect a tooth from decay or infection. With its many uses, it is no surprise that cosmetic dentist Timothy Kelly uses dental crowns regularly. With all the strength and protection that a dental crown can offer, some patients fail to remember that a dental crown also requires care and upkeep. These restorations are not indestructible and it is not uncommon for Dr. Kelly to see damaged dental crowns among Albuquerque patients. Here, we discuss some of the most common causes of damaged dental crowns and what should be done in the event that a dental crown does become compromised.

Causes of Damaged Crowns

There are several different options for materials that can be used to fabricate a dental crown, but most frequently they are molded out of a porcelain composite material. This is a strong material that can withstand the pressure of biting and chewing, much like the natural teeth. However, also like the natural teeth, dental crowns can become damaged if they are not cared for properly or if they are exposed to too much wear and tear. Below are some factors that are commonly cited as the cause of dental crown damage:

What to Do about a Damaged Crown

A dental crown is placed because the natural tooth has become too weak or damaged to safely and effectively perform oral functions. In order to continue to protect the natural tooth and prevent further damage or infection, it is important to address dental crown damage right away. Dr. Kelly can repair a crown with minor damage or fabricate a new restoration if damage is severe. In either case, he can ensure that the natural tooth remains protected and that patients continue to enjoy a comfortably functioning smile.

 Schedule an Appointment

If you have a dental crown that has become damaged, it is important to address the problem as soon as possible. Dr. Timothy Kelly can restore or replace a damaged dental crown in order to prevent further dental problems. Schedule an appointment at your earliest convenience to have your dental crown examined and discuss your repair options.